Mission: Yes You Can


The following is an excerpt from an exclusive interview between a famous (but anonymous) journalist and the founder of Team Quadzilla, Chad Husted.

Anonymous Journalist (AJ): Let’s just get to it, OK Chad? Tell me about who you are trying to reach with all this healthy living mumbo-jumbo stuff? 

Chad: Thanks for asking AJ. This healthy living mumbo-jumbo, as you so eloquently put it, really started out as a personal mission. I started my own journey to improve myself physically, mentally, and spiritually simply because I wasn’t happy with who I was and where I was at in this stage of my life.

After finding some really incredible resources that have helped me tremendously, I decided to start sharing more about my journey in social media. What I found is that there are LOTS of people out there that relate to my journey and find what I share to be helpful and encouraging to them. Unfortunately, social media is more geared to the “news of the day,” so all my content gets buried in the news feed. Having a website to capture my content in one place solves that problem.

But to answer your question directly, I’m really trying to connect with people like me. Men mostly (although women are surely invited to follow and participate), in their 40’s-ish who have kids, and/ or are married. Guys who are very busy trying to balance career, family and pursuing their dreams. Guys like me who want to stay young physically but mature mentally and spiritually. Guys who struggle with “stuff” and feel alone to deal with it. Guys who want to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy, but feel like they are living in a whirlwind often overwhelmed and discouraged.

(AJ): That sounds great Chad. I think you represent many of us if we are honest with ourselves. Are there any particular issues or problems you are trying to solve for yourself – and by extension – for others?

Chad: Short answer is YES. You can learn more about the 4 areas of focus for Quadzilla on the home page so I won’t repeat it here. I address matters that are important to me regarding my spiritual health, family, physical health, and personal development. The things I share are meant to encourage those like me who feel tired, physically stiff and weak, and discouraged in some way that limits our ability to live up to our potential.

(AJ): What are the products and resources you use to solve these issues? 

Chad: Thanks for asking. I would say the first is just me. I’m inviting people to my journey to balanced and healthy living in a transparent way that hopefully inspires and encourages them to take action. After that, I would consider myself something of a lifestyle evangelist for 90/10 Nutrition, Beachbody, some carefully selected personal development influencers, and Jesus. Now Jesus isn’t a product of course, rather the GREATEST resource to help us fulfill our unique purpose.

(AJ): That sounds like an interesting list Chad. Can you explain how these products and resources will solve problems like being overweight, feeling tired, stiff, weak, discouraged?

Chad: Absolutely.  Rather than a pill, magic potion, or patch to mask the health issues many people face, I take into account the entire person – mind/ body/ soul. So often the mind needs to be changed first and I do that by sharing my story/ life in a relatable way. I share encouragement, advice, tips, ideas to help people be their best between their ears. When appropriate I share about my struggles and my faith that helps me thru life. It’s a lifestyle evangelism so to speak.

When they are ready, we can get into helping with nutrition education and the lifestyle change that comes with improved eating habits. Same with fitness/ exercise. I’ll offer suggestions that I sell, or something else that works for the individual. Helping the person with their individual concerns is my first priority.

(AJ): That’s pretty heavy Chad. I wonder if guys would really care to get into that kind of stuff. But if you say they do, can you expand on what you believe the real needs or concerns are for men like you?

Chad: First let me agree with you. It is hard to get guys to talk about real stuff – to look themselves in the mirror and dig into their mindset to see what is really going on and then to share it with me. It’s scary. But once you get past the macho, tough guy exterior I find that guys really appreciate the growth opportunities and the realization that they can do whatever they set their mind to.

I believe the needs and concerns other men have are similar to mine. That’s part of what makes me relatable and why I think what I have to share is valuable. Here are a few:

  • Middle age men/ husbands/ dads are under lots of pressure. Our time is not our own. We are beat down by popular culture with messages that we are weak, fat, stupid, and just not good enough.
  • We desperately want to be respected and feel good about ourselves and have time & energy to do the things we used to or want to.
  • Our struggles are real and we often feel alone to deal with them.
  • We secretly fear getting old and forever being tired, stiff, weak, and discouraged.
  • We wonder if this is what life is, or if maybe there is more, but we aren’t sure how or what to change to get there. It just seems impossible.
  • We want to enjoy life & have the energy, time, and money to do the things we dream about.
  • We want to be a great dad, husband, worker, and friend.
  • We want to be part of something that is bigger than ourselves. We want to give and share and help people somehow – to leave a positive legacy.

(AJ): Dang, Chad. That’s a pretty serious list. Very honest. Thanks for sharing that. We are just about out of time, but before we wrap up, tell me the one key thing you want people to believe, know, or do when they engage with you and your website?

Chad: First and foremost, I want people to change their mindset about their present circumstance if it’s not what they want out of life. Changing their mind from the attitude of “I can’t” to “I can” is very powerful.

After that, people need to know that they are not alone in these struggles along their healthy living journey, that it’s never too late to start a process of change to your physical, mental, and spiritual life, and to be encouraged that no matter the obstacles, you can do it!

(AJ): Awesome! Now you have me all fired up to get serious about my healthy living journey. One last thing Chad: If you could boil down your purpose for Team Quadzilla into a couple sentences, what would you want people to know?

Chad: Any middle aged man like me can demolish their secret fears of getting older and forever feeling tired, stiff, weak, and discouraged by choosing my personal coaching, encouragement, and accountability because the world-class nutrition, fitness, and personal development resources I share will help you re-claim your youthful vigor, keep up with the kids, feel energized all day, look and feel years younger, and have the confidence to crush your personal and professional goals. I hope to inspire men especially to live on purpose and leave a positive legacy for the next generation to follow.

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